Saturday, March 2, 2013

The Star Wars Battles

Here is the sheet music for the major battles in the original Star Wars Trilogy. All written by John Williams, here transcribed for piano. Enjoy!

(includes The Battle of Yavin, The Battle of Hoth, and The Battle of Endor)

All Files Located Here

The Tree of Life

Included here is sheet music for River from "The Tree of Life" by Alexandre Desplat [for Two Pianos; you and a friend can play together!] The complete score for this can be found here.

All Files Located Here

Miscellaneous Sheet Music for Piano

This assortment of sheet music includes The Family Farm from "The Patriot" by John Williams and I Can't See You Anymore from "The Amazing Spider-Man" by James Horner. Enjoy!

All Files Located Here

Miscellaneous Music by John Williams, Part 2

Here is another assortment of solo piano sheet music from scores written by John Williams. Enjoy!

(includes: Angela's Prayer and Lord, Why Do You Want the Wee Children? from "Angela's Ashes"; and Theme from Jurassic Park, Welcome to Jurassic Park, and End Credits from "Jurassic Park" [The Jurassic Park music has been released in a solo piano book, but the versions here are a little bit different as well as a little more complete in the context of the score.])

All Files Located Here


Included here is sheet music for piano from the 1995 Oliver Stone film "Nixon." Enjoy!

(includes The Turbulent Years, Growing up in Whittier, Making a Comeback, The Miami Convention: 1968, The Meeting with Mao, and The Farewell Scene)

All Files Located Here

Miscellaneous Music by John Williams

 Here is an assortment of music written by John Williams, now in solo piano form. Enjoy!

(includes The Carriage Ride to Thornfield from "Jane Eyre," The Early Days; Massapequa from "Born on the Fourth of July," Arlington from "JFK," End Credits from "Presumed Innocent," and Gillian's Power from "The Fury")

All Files Located Here

The Adventures of Tintin

Included here is some sheet music for the Spielberg/Jackson 2011 film. These are sheets not present in the official solo piano book released, and were created about a year or so ago. Enjoy!
(includes Sir Francis and the Unicorn, Snowy's Theme, and The Adventure Continues)

All Files Located Here

War Horse

Included here is sheet music for Spielberg's 2011 film "War Horse." These were created before knowledge of the official solo piano book was released in early 2012. Enjoy!

(includes Dartmoor, 1912, Seeding, and Horse vs. Car, The Reunion, Remembering Emilie, and Finale, and The Homecoming)

All Files located here